Program copyright 2005 Oliver Noelle (
Thanks go to...
...Bob Lockie for spending days on completely rewriting my configure files
...Tom Roth for substantial feedback on the whole project, and detailed bug reports
...Philip Scott for contributing the reading of ogg tags
...Scott Wheeler for bug reports and ideas for future versions of Yammi
...Daniel Pichler, for preparing my sources for being internationalized and providing a german translation
...Stefan Gmeiner for sending a patch, cleaning up my messy sources...
...Sandra Taufer for providing beautiful new icons for yammi!
...Luis De la Parra for providing a big patch pushing yammi towards a proper kde app and cleaning up lots of things!
...and many more that I forgot to mention here...
Documentation copyright 2005 Oliver Noelle
This documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.